Reflection Frameworks
The week between Christmas and New Year’s Day is typically a change of pace for most people – even if they don’t go on vacation – and a socially acceptable time to reflect and make large changes in your life. I am intentional about goal-setting and have found that having a framework – a simple set of questions – to guide the reflections helps.
Here are a few ways to help you reflect on 2016 and plan for the new year.
Reflection Frameworks
#1 Todd Henry’s “Questions for 2017″
- What do I want to experience?
- Where do I want to go?
- What do I want to learn?
- How do I want to change?
#2 Agile Development Process Improvement Questions
- What should we start doing?
- What’s something new we should add?
- What should we stop doing?
- What’s something we’re doing that we don’t need to do anymore?
- What should we continue doing?
- What are we already doing that’s going well?
#3 “If I took it seriously” exercise
This is one I made up and use in my yearly retreats; for each role in your life (father, husband, employee, etc.) ask yourself:
What would it look like if I took this completely seriously?
This provides a good list of actions you can take to get a little better at each role, and it helps you focus and prioritize certain roles over others.
#5 Morning Journal Questions, but for the entire year.
Ask yourself the daily questions, but apply them to the entire year:
- I am grateful for ____ [3 things].
- What would make 2017 great? [3 things]
- Three Amazing Things that happened in 2016. [3 things]
- How could I have made 2016 better?
Finally, some extra inspiration and some humor about resolutions. Good luck!