Navigating Remote Work :: Now Available

I started working from home 11 years ago, back when it wasn't called telecommuting but wasn't yet called remote work.

I didn't know what I was doing. After six months of struggling with isolation, losing touch with friends and coworkers, and troubles with getting stuff done, I vented in a blog post that has now been read by 380K+ people.

After this, I published my email and asked people to share their struggles with remote work. They did, about 2 emails a week for the next 10 years. I tried to help and learned a lot.

There are 4 core issues with remote work, as an individual, that you have to overcome:

  • Boundaries: how to achieve harmony between work and life wrt your time, space, family, and sanity
  • Communication: how to keep in touch and establish trust from afar
  • Productivity: how to work alone and stay productive consistently
  • Isolation: how to manage your life so that moving out of an office doesn't lead to depression or burnout

I've captured solutions to these problems in a short book that is now for sale here:

Navigating Remote Work

This isn't a manual on how to run a remote team; this is a personal guide on how to be successful on one. Many have seen the potential, but don't know how to make it work; I hope this helps people that are struggling to figure out this remote work thing as we try to return to a new normal.